ATF Fuels to supply Parish of St Helier HVO for fleet

ATF are pleased to announce that they will be supplying HVO fuel, more commonly known as renewable diesel, to the Parish of St Helier enabling them to reduce carbon emissions from their transport and heating systems by up to 90%.

ATF’s GreenD HVO is a fossil free diesel product made of 100% renewable raw materials, which does not release any new carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.

Jonathan Best, Director of ATF Fuels, said “This is another positive step to help reduce carbon emissions, ATF is committed to doing everything we can to help reduce carbon emissions from transport. We are proud to supply HVO to the Parish of St Helier, one of the largest parishes. One of the main advantages is that it is a “drop in” replacement, without the need to invest in more infrastructure.

We supply a range of fuels with renewable content. Fuels such as GreenD HVO have a proven track record and are endorsed for use by large number of manufacturers.

What is HVO (Hydrotreated vegetable oils)?

It is a premium fossil free diesel product made of 100% renewable raw materials, which does not release any new carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. It is produced by hydrotreatment of vegetable oils and the result is a premium quality fuel with a chemical structure almost identical to regular diesel.

Many transportation companies have already switched into alternative renewable fuels, and the pressure for more sustainable choices is growing across the industry.