ATF Fuels to supply Parish of St Helier HVO for fleet

ATF are pleased to announce that they will be supplying HVO fuel, more commonly known as renewable diesel, to the Parish of St Helier enabling them to reduce carbon emissions from their transport and heating systems by up to 90%. ATF’s GreenD HVO is a fossil free diesel product made of 100% renewable raw materials, […]

Get 50 litres of fuel free with ATF

Autumn is just around the corner, now is the time to start considering your winter heating and top up that tank!  During the month of October if you sign up for the following; ATF’s free SMART monitor – worth over £100  Budget payment plan (by direct debit) We will give you 50 litres* of fuel […]

What are Biofuels?

You may have heard the phrase “biofuels” and how they can play a part in reducing our carbon footprint. But what are biofuels?, how are they different and how are they used. We’ve developed a quick guide to help understand the different types that are available. Use ATF Forecourts to start reducing your carbon footprint […]

ATF Explains: the correlation between crude and petrol & diesel prices

We’ve also been asked what is the correlation between crude and petrol & diesel prices. Please see the below explanation that details the current situation in more detail; It is interesting to look at the less-understood market drivers that are having an impact on the price of fuel. The first factor is the complete (and […]

ATF explains: why petrol and diesel prices are different

We have recently received a number of questions why the variance between petrol and diesel prices is large currently. Here’s a brief explanation with the reasons why: At the start of January 2022, diesel was around £0.04 per litre more expensive than petrol. That differential now sits anywhere between £0.15 to £0.20 higher. Mainly, this […]

ATF explains: petrol and diesel comparisons to the UK

Following local press reports regarding petrol and diesel comparisons to the UK we have received a number of comments, asking why this is the case. Rather than try and provide a response to each comment we thought we’d provide the following. There are a number of reasons including, but not limited to, duty rates, economies […]

Letter to Treasury Minister

ATF have written a response to the treasury minister as per the below: Dear Minister, I am writing to you following the government response to the petition “Introduce an immediate reduction in road fuel duty”, signed by over 2,000 people. I am disappointed with the government response. We accept completely that a fuel duty cut […]

Reduction in Fuel Duty – Evidence

Why is Jersey any different to any of the countries and jurisdictions below, that are taking action to reduce fuel duty? Fuel Duty Cut Other Supports UK 5p a litre for a full 12 months. In the Spring Statement the government announced it was doubling support for the household support fund form 500milllion to 1billon. […]

Proposal to Reduce Fuel Duty

Industry Leader Calls on Government to Reduce Fuel Duty With Immediate Effect. ATF Director Jon Best has called on the government to introduce an immediate reduction in fuel duty to help consumers facing the escalating cost of living crisis.  Mr Best said “International fuel prices have increased by over 30% since the start of the […]